Order Lavender for Pickup First Name Last Name Email Address Phone Number Preferred Pick up date: We are open Tuesday - Saturday between 10 am and 3 pm How many bundles? Fresh lavender bundles are harvested just before your pick up date and cannot be harvested if wet. All fresh lavender orders will be backed by dried lavender bundles in the event we were unable to harvest fresh for your event. Fresh lavender bundles are harvested just before your pick up date and cannot be harvested if wet. All fresh lavender orders will be backed by dried lavender bundles in the event we were unable to harvest fresh for your event. I acknowledge that I may receive dried bundles in the event that fresh bundles could not be harvested. 10 + 13 = Submit Visit Us E13901 County Rd. W Baraboo, WI 53913 Call Us (608) 844-9635 Email Us [email protected]