- Nancy Baggett, author of the Art of Cooking with Lavender
- Chris Mulder and Nicole Callen, lavender culinary creators
- Dr. David Hackelman, and his microwave still. From oilextech.com
You know you’re in good company when you attend the US Lavender Growers Conference! This weekend I was able to attend the conference along with over 200 other lavender enthusiasts in Mesa, Arizona, each with their own story and beginning. Men and women from all walks of life with lavender farms scattered throughout the states and overseas. Entrepreneurs, gardeners, herbalists, culinary artists, masterful producers of so many lavender products all very familiar with the labor intensive work of farming lavender.
Highlights include
- An 8 hr. workshop tasting and smelling lavender with Mesha Munyan, an award winning designer of natural perfumes, and Chris Mulder, the creator of an extensive line of delicious lavender goodies.
- Purchasing the very last signed copy of the popular cookbook “The Art of Cooking with Lavender” by Nancy Baggett.
- Talking with the creator of the microwave distiller, David Hackleman. (I hope some of that inventive spirit will rub off!)
- Classes on propagating lavender, phytophthora, agritourism, marketing strategies for farms, all taught by industry gurus.
- Securing lavender plugs straight from New Zealand. (I can’t wait to bring some of New Zealand to Wisconsin!)
Best of all, catching up with our ‘lavender growing’ friends in Michigan and making connections with so many new friends! Lavender Season 2017 here we come!
Would like to know if you ever do any weddings/comittment ceremonies at your farm?
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding plans! We do hope to be able to host small events at the farm in the near future. Please contact us if you’d be interested in discussing the possibilities.
I finally stopped by your website! Exciting adventures on your farm. We want to visit!
All the best,
The Westons
Aloha Judi!
It would be great see you and your family again. And we’d love to take the kids on a tour of the farm. Hope to see you this summer sometime!